Sunday Services
We are back in the building!
Usually, we have a range of services:
Sunday Service
We will be running a 10am service on each Sunday. These will comprise a range of different styles and will not always be communion services (and singing is still not permitted, nor is sharing the Peace or refreshments afterwards). The service will be every week.
We now have two sections in the church - on one side we provide socially distanced seating for those who wish to or need to socially distance (please book these spaces in advance). One the other side we provide 'normal' seating and there is no need to book.
Entrance & Exit
For all services you will enter via the Church doors.
- The church doors will be open for ventilation.
- You will be asked to sanitise your hands on arrival and again when you leave.
- Please do not congregate in the porch and chat to others, you will be asked to go straight into church and take your seat.
- At the end of the service we now provide tea and coffee for those who would like to stay and have a chat.
-Prayer services are also available after the main service.
- Masks are required to be worn by everyone as soon as you enter until you leave.
- Children under 11 and those with medical exemptions are not required to wear masks.
- If you are using disposable masks, please ensure you use a new one every day (at least).
- If you are using a fabric mask please sure it is freshly washed - these should be washed at least daily, if not after every use.
- Reusing or not washing masks increases the risk to you and us as they harbour all sorts of germs, not just COVID-19.
Booking (for socially distanced seating)
- You will ONLY required to book if you would like a seat on the socially distanced side.
- If you have booked, you will be allocated a seat and you will be asked to remain in that seat throughout the service.
- Communion will be brought to you and at this time you can only receive the bread and not wine.
- A mask must be worn throughout and you are asked not to remove it to consume your wafer until Sue has stepped away from you.
- The leader and speaker are not required to mask whilst speaking, but they will do so when they are seated.
Family/Childrens Services
We are thrilled to announce that cafe church and sweaty church are back! Bubbles, Splash and Genesis are also starting again as of October 2021.
We will be doing this in a Covid secure way. And adults will need to wear masks. Cafe church services will take place in the church building. Please see the individual websites for more details on each of those groups.